2021 Home & Garden Lifestyle Expo


This past Saturday, June 12th, the A.Team brought some fun design trend topics to the Home and Garden Lifestyle Expo. A free annual event that takes place in downtown Sanford, Florida at the Sanford Civic Center. This indoor/outdoor event features local businesses and companies that are experts in areas such as home improvement, health, wellness, and shopping. With a variety of activities, programs, demos, and opportunities to talk to professionals, this event is always full of excitement and packed with a plethora of information. This year for entertainment there was live music, a kid's zone with an interactive show, a live dance performance, a rock painting booth, a flower planting station, and many chances to win door prizes, gift cards, and more. How's that for a fun-filled day?!



Every year, Amber, our lead designer at A. Clore Interiors, has the benefit of hosting this lovely event making the A. Team the spotlighted interior design booth at the expo. Our booth was bursting in pink and yellow and even gave guests the opportunity to win a free 1 hour in-home consultation!


We even brought along our tropical summer vibes flat lay. It incorporates a variety of texture and definitely shouts bold color choice.


This year, designers Amber and Ariel held periodic discussion sessions where they shared design trends for 2021. The topics for the day included a trend forecast on bold interiors, how to step up your wall finishes, what is in for outdoor design, and get that curb appeal. During these sessions, Amber and Ariel updated us on how to use color, material, furniture, finishes, and accessories to amp up your spaces and stand out from other homes on the block.


If you weren’t able to make it to the expo, here are a few things to remember...

Don't be shy! Bring more life into your home and let your personality shine through.

You can turn that lackluster room into a "wow moment" with some simple, edgy, or funky accents.

You don't have to go far to catch a break. Create your own forever staycation right in your backyard!

And don't forget your house has the potential to be a head-turner it all starts with a little creativity.


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Trend Forecast: Bold Interiors


The Many Sides of Red