5 Minutes To Clean Up!

Β Β Β Β  We all don’t have time once a week to clear our schedule purely for cleaning purposes even though we could really use it, but we all do have 5 minutes. To keep things tidy, there are a few cleaning tricks you can tackle within 5 minutes that will cover the things we don’t think to cover in the few days we do have to clean. Because these spots never cross our mind, make sure to take care of these when you have 5 minutes to spare!

Freshen Up Your Garbage Disposal



Get rid of that stinky garbage disposal smell! Throw in some lemon peels and a tad bit of rosemary and turn that baby on. It will get rid of any slight smell that might be coming from the disposal and replace it with a fresh scent. If it’s too overwhelming though, just run water to wash out the remnants, and it will smell good as new.

Use the Dishwasher For Stuff Other Than Dishes



Collect all different items that don’t get cleaned very much, such as plastic hairbrushes, kid toys, dog toys, etc. Think about all those items and how many germs they must have on them since we don’t clean those very often. Throw them in the dishwasher! They’re plastic. They’re allowed in there.

The Baking Soda Trick



I’m sure you’re wondering what the baking soda trick is. Well, sprinkle baking soda on everything (carpet, sofa, pillows, drapes,…whatever). Go back over it and vacuum it all up. It takes no time at all and it will make your home instantly smell fresh like you spent the whole day cleaning!!

Use Rubber Gloves For Pet Fur



Do you spend so much time vacuuming and trying to pick up the mounds of shed animal fur? We have an easy solution for you. Put on a rubber dishwashing glove, dampen it a little bit, and wipe right over it! Boom! It’s magical how this trick works.

Clean Electronics



No one ever thinks about how much we use our electronics, how much time we spend with them in our hands, or how many germs are on each and every electronic we own. Take a couple minutes going through the house and just wiping the TV remote, your phone, the laptop, etc. with an alcohol wipe to get rid of those germs that have built up. While you’re at it, even though it isn’t an electronic, germs build up like crazy on your purse. Take a quick wipe to the bottom and the sides and do your best to clean the inside as well.

Lint Roll Everything



Last but not least, you can do this while just walking around in your house. Keep a lint roller in hand and just roll it on lamps, pillows, drapes, and purses, anything as you’re walking by. Quick, fast, and easy!

All these tasks will take a maximum of 5 minutes! No stress. No hard work. Just take a quick swipe here and there, and you’re done!


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