6 Unique Ways to Use Trending Wallpaper

Yes, you saw it correctly! Wallpaper is trending! Our favorite 70’s home décor is back with an updated, fresh appeal. This time around, we don’t want to be stuck using the same boring tactics that made it fizzle out in the first place, so we have come up with some very unique, cool ways to add this revised decoration to our homes.

Dress your Drawers



We’ll start with an idea that’s hidden and adds a pop when revealed by opening drawers. This design is great because you can add it anywhere in the house! Kitchen drawers, desk drawers, bathroom drawers! Your possibilities are endless!

Wrap it with Wallpaper



Add pizzazz to that old vintage chest or dresser by covering the top with updated wallpaper. If you want to turn it into a huge statement piece, wrap the sides as well! Just don’t get too crazy with it!

Step Up Your Staircase



Do you live in an older home that needs a bit of a refresher? Add brightness and fun to your creaky staircase by covering the areas parallel to the ground floor with wallpaper. Get fun with it! Either use all one pattern or all different, complimentary patterns.

Back Up Your Books



This is by far the best way to turn IKEA furniture into a true find. Cover the back of a bookshelf with charming wallpaper. Use bright or lighter wallpaper in a white bookcase and neutrals or dark accented wallpaper in black bookcases.

Wave the Wallpaper



Hang it up! Put it on display! Pick some patterns that you really take to and would look great in a certain room in your home. Turn the new trend into a different style of artwork! It is quite the trend to be able to hang in a frame on the wall as artwork. Take full advantage of not having to go searching for art. Instead, just choose a few patterns that work well together and see what you come up with.

Cover That Ceiling



We can add attraction to all different parts of the house to boost interest, but nothing opens up a room more than wallpaper on the ceiling. Yes, we said it. Wallpaper on the ceiling is a definite DO.

Get creative with these carefully crafted ideas! It’s your home; we’re just here to keep you up with the trends!


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