Tips & Tricks to Accessorizing Like a Pro

When it comes to accessorizing your home, there are a few steps to take and few rules to follow. It’s a quick simple process. Just stick with us, and we’ll help you through it!

De-clutter Your Countertops



Everything should have its own home. If it doesn’t already have a spot, make a spot. This way, you will never go searching for anything (your keys, your purse, etc.). It will help save that 5 to 10 minutes you search for everything every morning.

Pay Attention to Quality



Look over mass-produced items. Search for things that are unique to your eye, things that you love, or items that were made just for you. You want things around your home that tell a story or are vintage or antique. You want people to be captivated by the items and ask about them. It’s part of the fun of decorating your home, so that people will notice and compliment your taste!

Consider Size



Stretch your boundaries and go for larger accessories! Still save the smaller items, because you can place them on top of books, group them together, or do other fun things with them. Although, items that tend to seem too large always work best. It gives you height variations, which is key when it comes to decorating.

Keep Your Collection Together



Everyone has their own piece of décor that you have slowly made a collection out of. Keep it all together! It will actually look cooler if you have them all in one place shown as a collection instead of sporadically placed around your home. How do you display them? You might ask. Put them all in a glass cabinet, on top of one piece of furniture, or grouped on a decorative tray.

Height Differences



When it comes to decorating your countertops, there’s a little rule to follow. “Three is the Key.” You want to use an odd number, preferably three, and you want the height to range low, medium, high. It’s rule of thumb and never fails!




Texture is very important to change up. Mix up varying textures to create a very interesting and captivating display. Try out all different fabrics and materials. See which ones you enjoy most together.

Deciding Their Homes



Deciding where each item will go is probably the hardest part, so we have a trick for you. Clean off all countertops and place all accessories in one room on the floor. Look at all your items new and old and decide which ones you want to keep and which ones you want to throw out. This keeps your countertops from getting too clutter by all your accessories. When you’ve narrowed down your selection, put each item in the room you would like it to go in one at a time. Once you have built each area a little bit, you can decide if the item adds to the beauty or if it takes away from it. With this process, we suggest using the larger items first.

Get It Just Right



By this, we simply mean don’t over-do it. If there are too many items in one area, it takes away from the importance of each item. Because of this, make sure you pick more special items. The place will become more meaningful to you.

Make It Come Alive



The last thing we need to address about decorating your home is to always add a live element into the mix. Saying this, people immediately think of greenery, but this could mean a bowl of fruit even. Just give it some live. We tend to always go with flowers or plants just because it has a very beautiful look, but go ahead and add whatever you would like!


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