Day 14: Our Front Porch Garden

Today we are giving a big thanks to our ever so beautiful front porch garden.

Can you believe its all still alive? Lol.

No, seriously though.

I am going to speak in first person because I do not think you understand how big of a deal this is...

I, Amber Clore, have a front porch garden. And it is growing - it 'tis!!

On the corner of thirteenth and park this little house sits,

with a perfect end of the day spot for calling it quits.

The smell of fresh growing basil permeates the air,

funny, its for cooking - but I think it looks just fine right there!

Around the sign, we planted some sweet potato vine.

Not the kind you can eat, but vibrant green leaves that grow through your feet.

The pink and orange bougainvillea are in full bloom, as they reach for the suns energy like a top hat plume.

The purple bell flowers are getting ready to sprout!

While thees little mum's are all tuckered out.

The buds may be gone, but the greenery still lives on!

The table's center features a whimsical orchid treat, and the hanging petunias are eye candy for the street!

This happy little fern, her name is Delilah.

And happily she lives above these happy weeds.

I just can not bare to pull them, even though they say to in all my reads.

This ledge on the porch gets little to no sun.

They are the only thing that grows - so I'm going to ignore that bit of advise from the pros.

My mom found this rocker on the side of the road,

one man's trash is another man's gold!!

And maybe a fun DIY project!

The palm had been there since before I took hold,

Β it shares it's pot with a neglected little Hosta that needed a home,

I nursed it back to life and now its twofold!

These beautiful hydrangeas grow in decorative pots, and the butterflies sure do love them, lots and lots!

Perhaps my favorite, the Vinca, also known as the Periwinkle,

grows in vibrant shades of pink, and smile when they receive a sprinkle.

Dont mistake this guy for a pineapple,

even though the same family, my guess is it tastes more like grapple.

Boxwood topiaries will greet you at the door, come on inside and see whats in the store!!

With petite roses in bloom, I smell them every day --

-- and snip them occasionally for a beautiful display!


Thanks for stopping by today, are you as proud of my garden as I am?? Do share!


Day 15: Grunge Walls


Day 13: Chandeliers