Day 16: Genevieve Gorder

Today we spotlight my FAVORITE celebrity designer, Genevieve Gorder. I've been aspiring after this little gem for almost two decades now, in fact, some of my fondest childhood memories include a comfy seat next to mom and hours of TLC on our VCR. Remember those? haha.

And today, a decade and a degree later - almost as if we are kindred spirits, I use the advise and knowledge she has shared in my practices daily. I am in love with her design aesthetic and obsessed with her products. Her personality shines brighter than the sun on a hot Florida day and her beauty is a reflection of what she carries with in. And so, I give you, the ever so talented -- Genevieve Gorder!!

 You may remember her from popular shows like Trading Spaces and Town Haul. But there much more to know about this bubbly brunette!Did you know she did the bottle design for Tanqueray #10 Gin? Yep, here it is: Today you can find her on re-run's of Dear Genevieve, as a judge on Design Star and CEO her own design firm, gg studios.We absolutely love her "barefoot" approach to design. And her ability captivate her clients and evoke thoughts and feelings prior to designing an interior is something we strive to achieve every day. Her eclectic design style and whimsical eye for color are a true delight.Here are some of Genevieve's interiors that inspire us:Genevieve, if you happen to read this....thank you for being a shining light and constant inspiration. I hope one day we shall meet and I can truly express all that you have done to inspire me to be the designer (and woman) I am today. :)Hope you have a great weekend!!


Day 17: Secret Places


Stimulation by Innovation: Kenneth Cobonpue