Dazzling Decor: How To Build A Gallery Wall

0001-37148198Gallery walls in your home showcase your art, your travels, your art finds, and your own personality. By looking at your gallery wall, any person would be able to learn so much about you. Not only is this somewhat of an “All About You” wall, but it’s also going to spice up a plain wall in your home turning it into something inspiring and encouraging every time you look at it. Building a gallery wall is something you can do all on your own as well.



     First, you need to gather all your art. There is somewhat of a checklist, if you will, that you should follow when picking out the art. Placing two large pieces off center will assure that there will be no one focal point on your gallery wall. Make sure you take into consideration a color theme, so all pieces of art will tie in somehow, not letting a piece be the odd one out. Play around with the different sizes, scales, and orientations of the art. It all doesn’t have to be paintings and pictures. Add a clock, mirror, or 3D piece to add depth and unusual edges. The perfect measurement between each piece is about 1 ½ to 3 inches, and depending on if your gallery wall is above a couch or dresser, make sure the bottom of the collection is 6 to 7 inches above the desired item. To add a different flare to the pictures or paintings, use 2 or 3 distinctive styles and/or colors of frames. I’m going to reiterate that you can let your imagination go wild when it comes to picking unusual art mediums. Use photography, prints off the Internet, framed wallpaper, cards, or even a chalkboard. Free your mind; go crazy!Second, you will need to get the supplies:
  • A hammer
  • A pencil
  • A roll of paper
  • Hooks and nails
  • Scissors
  • A tape measure
  • A level
  • Painter’s tape
  • And last but not least…all the art!



Third, the hardest part is hanging your almost ready gallery wall. Start by laying all your art pieces on the floor to determine how you would like to position everything in contrast to each other. Follow up by creating paper cutouts to mimic the art pieces, so you can tape those to the wall. Reposition everything to how you would like to see it hung on the wall. (Make sure to take into account the frames along with the art. Locate the hook location of each art piece and measure from the top to the middle point of the tightly held wire. Make a subtle marking on the cutout against the wall at that point of where the hook attaches to the wire. Pull out your handy dandy hammer and hammer the hooks in the marked areas on the paper. Gently, swap the cutouts and the frames. Back up and look at your beautifully finished gallery wall that is all about you and all done yourself. Mission accomplished!


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