Decluttering Guide For The New Year!

New year, new you, right? Does the also apply to your home? Of course it does! It is time to declutter! We have created a decluttering guide for your home to make the process easier and hope it helps out tremendously. Let's start decluttering!

The Bedroom


We'll get started in the bedroom and move about from there. First comes the overflowing closet. Create three piles: donate, sell, and throw away. Donate the items that aren't nice enough the sell, and throw away the items that aren't nice enough to donate. Go through every item in your closet and dresser. If you want to keep it, leave it there. If it needs to go in one of the three piles, add it to the appropriate pile. When you are all finished, put all the clothes you are donating in large trash bags and place them in the back of your car to be taken to the donation center immediately instead of in your garage for 6 months. (It's okay. We all do it.) Don't forget to go through your bedding as well and to clean out your nightstand. That little piece of furniture always seems to get filled with clutter. Let's move on to the bathroom...

The Bathroom


It's finally time to clean out the linen closet and the sink cabinets. We know, it's scary, but it has to be done! We have to make it clean and organized again. Start by throwing out any ripped or raggedy towels and washcloths, old and out-dated magazines, moldy shower curtain liners, expired medicine and makeup, and some of the multiple bottles of lotion you have.

The Kitchen


Ok, here comes a long list of things that NEED to be tossed from the kitchen: any appliance that has missing parts, any cups, mugs, pots, pans or sets of dishes you don't use anymore, chipped plates or bowls, travel mugs that don't have tops, anything expired (this includes spices and condiments), takeout menus and coupons, ripped or raggedy kitchen towels, and the baking sheet or pan that you know you have more than one of.

The Living Room


Typically, not much gets thrown away or sold from this room each year, but a couple things definitely need to go, such as pillows or blankets that are ripped and torn and decor that no longer matches your new decor. Include on that list remotes for TVs and radios you don't have anymore and any stained rugs that badly need to be replaced.

The Office


Papers galore! Think green, like the color of the year, and recycle! Toss any papers that are just completely unnecessary, junk mail, catalogs and magazines that are out-dated, any office supplies you have multiple of, broken pencils, any old info post-it notes, and old planners, calendars, and receipts. Your office should get a serious deep clean and have everything you need nicely filed away by the end of this wipe out.

So much stuff and clutter around you can give a feeling of being overwhelmed and the feeling of a disorganized life. Clutter brings about a lot of bad vibes and negative energy, so it's very important to clear out and utilize our decluttering guide to the max!


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