Decorating with Single's Swag In 5 Ways

When it comes to decorating your bachelorette pad, you want to incorporate some personality, a little pizzazz, and definitely some single swag. We are here to give you somewhat of a guide with designer tips and tricks about how to score this look you're going for. There are a few decor items, pieces of furniture, and color palettes that you should be leaning towards, and then, you can put your own personality twist on it. Let's get started on building your chic oasis that's unique to taste.

Go Girly Glam



This might be the last time you don't have to get a second opinion on furniture while decorating. You go girl and pick something pink! If pink isn't your thing, grab your favorite color. This keeps your space fun and feminine.

Be A Vanity Vixen



For all the women obsessed with makeup (which is secretly all of us), we need a killer vanity. Every woman needs a personal primping's essential. Separate off a whole section of your bedroom specifically for your vanity and its storage. Of course, your vanity won't be complete without a large mirror, fabulous lighting that makes you look like Beyonce, a vanity tray for all your perfumes, a comfy fur chair, and some flowers to add that extra feminine touch.

Neutrals Are Timeless



You'll want to invest in some furniture pieces when it comes to those in the "long-term" category. The investment items should stay as close to neutral colors as possible. This is will let you keep them much longer than you would've expected and will always match no matter how many times you re-do the room. Designer tip: decorating with neutrals is always a good idea.

Unleash Your Kooky Side



You want your space to have just as much personality as you do. Love the pieces you bring into your home and don't let anyone tell you otherwise. Decorate however you want, because no other opinion matters when decorating your personal haven.

Design + Decor



Go Ahead. Glam out everything. Be super girly. It's your home; decorate it however you want. You can do so many little things to make your place feel like a bachelorette pad, such as simply painting, switching out the hardware, swapping out the lighting, etc. This is your space, so make it reflect your personality and keep that single swag.


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