Design Your Desk For Success


Feng shui is the ancient Chinese practice of arranging physical objects to attract positive energy. It’s based on the idea that everything in a person’s surrounding environment affects his or her inner life. Feng shui practitioners believe that the placement of objects in a room, building, or other space will affect the flow of chi (life force or essential energy) within the space. If there’s good chi flowing, whoever is in the space will get a boost of positive energy. Pretty cool, right?

According to feng shui expert RD Chin, people often turn to the practice if “they don’t feel right or comfortable in their space.” Perhaps, nowhere is this more relevant than in the workspace. Painful chairs, bad lighting, and a boss breathing down our necks hardly promote feelings of comfort. That’s where feng shui comes in. If you’re looking to feel a little more “at home” even while at work or just want to send some good vibes your way on the job (promotion, anyone?), read on to find out how to use feng shui on your desk!



How is feng shui different from just getting organized or decorating better? It goes beyond just decorating because feng shui has a psychological component to the principles. Your surroundings have a deep and profound impact on your emotional, mental, physical, and spiritual well-being. Since the daily nine-to-five makes up a big part of the day, improving the chi in the workspace will help you out at work and in the rest of your life.

Now, we can begin to orient your desk! If possible, place your desk directly opposite the front door of your office. If you don’t have a private office, try to orient your desk to face the main door. According to the principles of feng shui, this arrangement offers protection and symbolizes you seeing opportunities as they come to you during your career. In other words, you have to be able to see opportunities in order to seize them.



Once you have a full view of any incoming opportunities, it’s time to tackle the desk's surface. Chances are there’s a bit of clutter, which can be defined as anything unfinished, unresolved, tolerated, or disorganized. Clear the clutter, and organize things in a way that suits your work style and personal preferences. We suggest organizing by date or category and using colored binders if that appeals to you. Getting organized can boost productivity, while clearing clutter can provide a space that allows creativity to flow.



Next, we have the fun part—arranging your desk! This arrangement will help promote the positive flow of energy. For your desk, you will need a green plant, business cards or a name plate, a family photo or two, a photo of your significant other or a flower, a small notepad or sketchbook, and a photo of your favorite vacation spot. The photos will remind you of love and support and help you stay inspired while working. The plant will represent life and growth in your workspace and encourage you to move forward. The business cards or name plate will remind you of your accomplishments and future goals. All of these items are essential to your workspace and the flow of positive energy, and with them, you will begin to see an uplifting difference in your work and your energy!

Feng shui isn’t a magic formula; rather, it provides a visual reminder of the areas of life that you value or are working to improve. Feng shui is a matter of perspective, a way of thinking or creating balance in our lives. Start by following the guidelines above as a way to add positivity and balance to your desk—and to your life!


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