Redress Your Desk! How To Feng Shui Your Workspace…

Being that we're in 2016, we all spend so much time in our offices at our desks. Sometimes by the end of the day, we feel like we have achieved nothing and aren't overly thrilled about coming in the next day. We can help you! We can make sure your desk is set up for success.



Your desk is the main item in your office and is where you spend the most time. Place it in the spot where you can see most of the room. This is known as the Power Position. Now, what goes on the desk and where is a little complex. When figuring out how to feng shui correctly, you need to use the Bagua. The Bagua is the central, typical set up of all feng shui. The placement is as follows: the bottom middle section (closest to your chair) is the Career section, the left-bottom corner is the Knowledge section, the left-middle side is the Family section, the left-top corner is the Prosperity/Wealth section, the top-middle area is the Reputation section, the right-top corner is the Love/Relationship section, the right-middle side is the Creativity section, the right-bottom corner is the Help section, and last but not least, the middle of the desk is the Health section.

Redress Your Desk


In the Career section, most of us will have our laptops or whatever you do your most work on. If you don't have a job that requires such things, leave it empty. Keeping it empty is good luck to have work continue flowing in and filling that spot. In the Knowledge section, include a quality, small stack of books that are related to your profession. They're there to keep you motivated and give you a hint of inspiration if need be. I think everyone can assume that you should place a picture of your family or friends you consider family in the Family area. It is a nice reminder of the relationships you care for.

Redress Your Desk


Now for some greenery! Place a plant in the Prosperity/Wealth corner. Plants have symbolized growth for decades, and there's no reason to change that good energy now! Next to the plant is the Reputation area where you can put your name plate or some business cards. You can also fill this space with awards you have won.

Redress Your Desk


We covered the Family section, but what about the Love area? This is for strictly you and your significant other. It doesn't have to be a picture. It could be a card they gave you or a little knickknack that reminds you of them. Get creative with that area, because it seems to be the most inspiring. Speaking of getting creative, place all of your supplies and accessories you need to be creative in the Creative section. Do your best to keep this area neat, too, or else, you won't be able to find anything quickly!

Redress Your Desk


The bottom right-hand corner is the Helpful area. This is where you should be placing your phone, a contacts book, business cards you might need for reference. This is your personal "Phone A Friend" area. For the Health area, all you need to do is keep it clean and clutter free. Just as we keep our health in check, we should keep our Health area in check.

We hope when you're through you feel refreshed and inspired, and you can start every day of work with a smile on your face!


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