DIY: Bubbly Lava Lamp

lava lampSometimes you just want to do something fun with the kids that’s artsy and creative but not too simple, so we have the perfect project! Today we’re here to show you a step by step diy lava lamp that you can do with a simple water bottle or vase, that’s sure to amaze your little ones. All you need is water, oil, food coloring, and a couple of Alka Seltzer tablets. So gather up your supplies and let the fun begin!To start your lava lamp you’ll need to get a cup of water and add a few drops of food coloring in your favorite color. The kids can do this step, and then let the color mix with the water. Next you can have them pour oil into your vase until it is about ¾ of the way full. After the oil is in the vase you can add in the colored water and watch a little magic happen. Then you can have kids break the Alka Seltzer tablets into little pieces and drop them into the vase one at a time to see the real magic happen!The Alka Seltzer should act as a catalyst to make the mixture bubbly so that you can actually see how the water reacts with the oil. Once this reaction is happening you can have the kids add in a different food color and watch as the colors collide! It’ll be fun for the kids to see how this bubbly lava happens and how cool basic science can be! (It’s also really pretty to look at!) If you want the kids to be able to keep their lava lamp without making a mess, you can follow these same steps and use a water bottle instead of a vase; this way they can keep it and shake it up whenever they want to!So, today our project was pretty simple! It’s just one cute way to have cool fun with your kids with a few simple household items. We hope you guys didn’t end up making too big of a mess during your fun, and come back for more cool ideas!


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