Event Planning | Back to School Style

With July coming to an end we see summer washing away like waves on the beach leaving us with nothing but sun-kissed skin and warm memories of Summer 2013!  But let's be honest no summer can be complete without some kind of  end of the season bash, bonfire, or for the classier folk, soirée!! We decided to focus on the kids this time around since this season is really more about them celebrating their freedom before they head back to school, kicking and screaming along the way!!

With Pinterest being everyone's go source for creative ideas we took a look and found some great ideas for your own "Back to School" Function.  Check out the photos below to get inspired!


Love the black backdrop makes you feel like your in a classroom! No to mention all the fun school supply inspired snacks!! So creative!!!


An "I scream for Ice Cream" Bar is a great spin on the classic summer treat!


Chalk paint table top for kids to write on, practical and creative!


Having your own library were kids can bring an old book to the party and leave with a new one they might enjoy! Helps get them in that school spirit and keeps your party expenses low!


This table setting was just too cute for words, we had to add it in the mix! Push pin name tag settings, tape roll napkin holders, cork board placemats....all great ways to incorporate school supplies as decor and they can take with them as party favors to use for the year!!


Apples, milk bottles, and blocks great ideas for maybe a younger age group!


And of course we couldn't leave out the people who mold our young minds, the teachers deserve a last hooray all their own before the craziness begins!!

Event planning can be just as fun as actually attending it, but for those of who don't get the same thrills as we do, why not let us take over?!! Call us for your next event and let us save you the headache that sometimes comes along with it!


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