Golden Rules
Of course the world of interior design is very wide and has lots of variety. Here’s a few simple steps or “golden rules” you can take with a grain of salt, because your home should create a representation of who you are and make you feel comfortable. This post is more of a list to provide help to those who need a little guidance in the realm of interior design. The Golden Rectangle: The greek ratio of a perfect room goes as follows: 1 to 1.61803399, these numbers basically mean for a perfect design the room’s walls should fall under this ratio in order to create a perfect room.
Texture + Color: Color and texture go hand in hand. Someone who is trying to add character to a room should never fear of patterns or texture because it truly does go well together.
Lightening: The lights in the room set the mood for the room as a whole. The lighting should reflect on the feel you want in room. If you’re trying to get a room perfect for unwinding and relaxation try for a more ambient focus of light, for a room to feel clean and crisp white lightening can always do the trick.
Surround yourself with what you love: Finally, and most importantly, when designing your home remember that home is where the heart is and it should be filled with things you love. Whether you want to express a love for a color, activity, or your family, don’t shy away from it. There is always a way to tastefully have your personality throughout your home.
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