Grow Your Own Food & Make It Look Cute

We live in a world where being organic is put on such a high pedestal. We go to certain grocery stores and fresh markets for the most organic food we can find, but really, how are we to know it's 100% organic? We don't! We do think it's best to eat fresh and organic as well, but we have a different proposal. Instead of spending an extra $7 on one carrot, try growing your own food. Your first question: how am I supposed to grow my own food, if I have no room for a garden? Well, we have a couple suggestions of ways to grow and still make it look cute! Just follow our lead, and you should be good to grow!

Before we fully get started, we want to mention why growing your own food is such a great idea. Mainly, it keeps you one with your food. We're sure you're thinking, "What does that even mean?" We promise, we're not going crazy. You want to know all the minerals and additives that are going into your food. It will be such an accomplishment and will taste so good once it's done growing.

The Container



The container is so important for making it look cute! You can use literally anything you would like. We love the idea of a teacup and saucer or a decor pot instead of just a regular ole orange pot. It doesn't have to be expensive; just use something you have lying around your house. If need be, just use a plastic container and poke holes in the bottom to drain the plant.

Potting Mix



If you're going to be growing your own food to be healthier, you might as well get the best potting mix you can find considering your plants will be sitting and growing in it. It just makes sense. Just keep in mind, you will be eating this product.




Keep them all together on a tray. It makes the whole process look clean and put together. Also, this way you'll never forget about them. Take care of them, and never let them sit in wet trays. The potting mix can get sodden and smelly. This often leads to the plants and roots rotting completely killing your food.

Watering Can



A watering can is essential, but don't think it has to be anything special. Obviously, the watering cans above are adorable decor and rustic looking, but you can go get a plastic one from a super market and it will work just the same. Just remember to water your plants regularly.




This is the same thing with the potting mix. Pick a good one. You'll be eating this food. Don't do damage to your plants. If you are keeping your plants inside, we suggest getting a slow release type. It will help with the smells and toxins.




You're gonna need seeds to start growing things. Go to the store and pick out whatever you want to grow! It really is actually that simple. Just find a sunny spot for them that gives about 8 hours of sunlight each day, and it's best to try to keep up with which foods are in season. They'll be easier to grow.


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