Growing Your Home: How To Create Indoor Gardens

Indoor Gardens

Outdoor – Indoor Season


Indoor gardens are green areas that can be inside our homes. Instead of growing plants outside in a traditional garden, we can create a special area indoors where a variety of plants can grow. Flowers, herbs, vegetables, or even small trees can be part of this composition, it's like bringing a piece of nature inside your house. These gardens are designed to provide the right conditions for plants to grow, including the right amount of light, water, and temperature.

How To Incorporate a Green Space Indoors?

First step: Choose the right area

Consider factors such as natural light availability, temperature, and accessibility. Ideally, select a spot near a window where plants can receive sunlight, or you can use artificial grow lights if natural light is limited.


Second step: Select appropriate plants

Some popular indoor plants include pothos, spider plants, succulents, herbs like basil and mint, and small flowering plants like orchids or African violets. Choose plants that are known to thrive indoors with minimal maintenance.


Third step: Arrange and decorate

Arrange the plants in an aesthetically pleasing way, considering their size, growth habits, and color variations. The use of plant stands, shelves, or hanging baskets can be beneficial to maximize space. Decorative elements like pebbles and rocks can help to enhance the indoor garden.


Indoor Garden Design

Hanging Gardens

This type of indoor garden is ideal for small spaces or when we want to add greenery to vertical areas. Hanging planters with trailing or cascading plants can create a beautiful visual effect as well as installing wall-mounted planters.


Room Dividers

Indoor gardens can also act as room dividers, creating separate zones within a larger space. The use of potted plants or vertical plant structures to define areas while adding a touch of nature to the room will be aesthetically pleasing and efficient in the space at the same time.



Indoor Courtyard Garden

An area in our homes where we would like to add more natural light and some nature, is the perfect space to create this type of indoor garden. These designs typically feature large, floor-to-ceiling windows to maximize natural light, the incorporation of various plant species, including taller trees in some cases depending on the space, can create a serene and lush environment brining some of the outside nature to the inside of our houses.




Terrariums are self-contained glass containers that create a miniature ecosystem. They are perfect for small space s and require minimal maintenance. These little ecosystems are made of a variety of plants, moss, rocks, and other decorative elements. They can be open or closed, and you can get creative when making your own unique landscape.


Benefits Of Having an Indoor Garden


Better Indoor Air Quality

Plants naturally filter the air by absorbing carbon dioxide and releasing oxygen. They also remove toxins and pollutants from the air, improving indoor air quality. This can lead to better respiratory health and a more pleasant and fresh environment.


Reduces Stress and Improves Mental Health

Indoor gardens have a calming and relaxing effect on our minds. The presence of greenery and nature indoors can reduce stress, anxiety, and it can also keep us in a better mood. Taking care of plants can be a therapeutic and rewarding activity, providing a sense of purpose and accomplishment.


Aesthetically pleasing

Indoor gardens add beauty and visual interest to any space. They serve as natural decorations and can be versatile when matching any style and design preferences. With a wide variety of plants available we can create different and unique arrangements adapting them to our own space.


Indoor gardens are a great way of incorporating nature inside your home. There are so many different ways of getting creative when creating one of these spaces. The variety of plants that can be added in these areas are innumerable and the benefits of having an organic space inside our homes is highly recommended.



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