Organization Tips From A Designer

Organization is a huge part of design believe it or not, because how do you see the beautifully design of the space if there's clutter and no sense of organization? Messes always seem to mound up as well. They just continuously get bigger and bigger, so let's stop that right up front and create an organization plan that is easy to follow! Here are just a few tips and tricks to help you create a system that works well for you and your family. We can go from room to room.

The Bathroom



We're starting with this room, because the countertops tend to clutter the most in this room. We encourage you to take full advantage of extra space that you can create yourself. Add some cute hanging organizer on the back of the door. If you can't find one you like or one that just isn't a sore sight, a bottle of paint or a little DIY project is completely worth it. You aren't a fan of a hanging organizer? A really simple change would be just to add hooks to the back of the door. It will keep your towels off the floor and will automatically make the room look cleaner.

Speaking of towels, it's a good idea just as a rule of thumb for the number of towels to be limited to two towels per person. It just makes things a bit simpler. You can do your whole towel load in one wash depending on how many members are in your home. There are less towels to attempt to keep off the floor. You will need them to be washed fairly quickly, therefore your dirty laundry won't pile up. There are many pros to this little tip. (Although, keep several washcloths. Many of those are necessary. Stay clean!)

The Bedroom



Bedroom organization is very important, because it is supposed to be your relaxing area. You want to keep this room as clean as possible. Of course, we know the bedroom is the space that you clean and not even a day later it's messy again, but putting a little organization into play will help tremendously.

Start by having one hamper. This may sound a little funny, but you will be surprised at how many people have multiple hampers to separate their laundry ahead of time or how many people don't have a hamper at all causing many piles of clothes in specific areas of the room. Having one hamper will keep all your clothes in one spot and will force you to do laundry when you know you need to because it will overflow. It would also be a good idea to place a hamper in the bathroom and any other places that are considered "changing" spaces.

 Let's move on to the closet. Your closet should have an organization code. No one wants to wander through their closet confused on where the one item of clothing is that they want to wear. Take everything out of your closet and put it back in a certain order. Go left to right and hang all the pants, then move on to the shirts (tank tops to long sleeves), the hang the longer sweaters and jackets, and finish by hanging all your dresses (shortest to longest). You will notice your whole closet is organized shortest to longest. You will never have to wonder where certain clothes are ever again.

The Office



Papers are everywhere! Are we right? There needs to be some sort of filing system. You should have a plan or a specific spot for every paper that comes to the home. Make sure you have a place for all incoming mail anyone in the household can drop it off at and make sure to go through it every day and file each piece of mail. Try not to let it pile up. In that area, place a shredder and recycling bin making it easy to immediately deal with the papers that don't need filing.

You should even have a system for the filed papers. Deal with filed papers differently. Ones that don't require you to keep the original copy scan into your computer. Of course, back all those up on a flash drive just in case. That's very important. Your computer should have folders that each document you scan in should go in. This keeps up with the office organization.

The Kitchen



In the kitchen, pay attention to where piles build up, where you always leave your keys, and where the kids leave their shoes. Instead of just clearing everything off, place a tray where those piles tend to build up. It will make a mess look a little more "put together." These trays, however, should only hold the common items that are left on the table or often get lost around the home, such as phones, wallets, keys, etc. Where the kids pile up their shoes, place a cute shoe rack that flows with the design, and then force them to actually use it. The latter of that process is the hardest.

Get rid of all those paper lists that somehow always end up in the kitchen. Instead, put up a white erase board on the inside of a cupboard to keep track of whatever goes on all those lists including the groceries. When you actually go to the grocery store, write it all down or take a picture of it, and then, erase the board. It's a very simple system and very effective when trying to keep areas clean.


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