How To Redecorate Without Breaking the Bank

New Year, New Home! Today, we're letting you know the best ways to redecorate your home on a low budget. People tend to think it costs so much to make a big impact, but little changes can make a large impact too! Let us show you how...



It's commonly know that paint is the cheapest way to make a big impact. We could write this post without at least mentioning it! Make sure when you're picking a new color it still has the same cool or warm tones to make sure it still flows and complements your existing furniture and decor.



Redecorate with different lighting! If you choose a lighting option with a different interior design style, it can completely change the vibe of the room. Remember to aim for the same sizing though. If the existing furniture works well with a small chandelier, it will probably look too crowded with a large one. If the furniture goes well with a large light fixture, there will probably be too much room between the top of the furniture and the bottom of the light if it's too small. A medium-sized lighting option is typically a pretty solid bet when it comes to working well with the rest of the room.

Ceiling Design


Don't forget about your "fifth wall" above you! Use your ceiling to get really creative and give your room a whole new look. You can paint it, add a pattern, add some paneling, or add wooden beams. It's all up to you! To help you with deciding, we have a whole post about ceiling options here.



Go thrift shopping! You'd be shocked at the items you can find at thrift stores, it's shocking! You might have to spend some time sifting through everything, but it's well worth it. You can redecorate so easily with a bunch of new decor that all cost just a couple dollars.

If you need anymore ideas, feel free to ask in the comments below! Have fun forming each room into a new and refreshed space!


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