Say Goodbye to All That Negative Energy!

Now that it's October (known as the "spooky" month), people tend to bring out sage and light incense to get rid of all the negative energy in the home. We, as designers, have a few ideas and tricks we use that you can do in your home as well to sweep out all that negative energy and bring in the positive spirit!

Remove Clutter



This is a pretty well known action to getting ride of bad energy, because when clutter is around, it tends to add a feeling of extra stress and tiredness. Objects themselves tend to hold an intensity which is directly affected by where they are placed, so go ahead and find a home for every object in each room. You will feel a lift off your shoulders immediately when the room is less cluttered.

Use Neutral Colors



Every color has its own personality. Red is known as a power color that also tends to make you hungry; yet, light blue happens to be soothing, relaxing, and is known to project loyalty. Sometimes when you use colors that have so much behind them, it's overwhelming with the things you already have going on in your life. Most importantly, try to stay away from dark colors. They can look great in a room, but they make spaces look smaller when you don't want to feel crammed.

Fall Cleaning



Do a little Fall cleaning. Everyone always feels accomplished after cleaning. It's a thing. You just always feel more comfortable inΒ your home. Wipe down all surfaces, make all the beds, vacuum every room, etc. Do anything that needs to be done or that you haven't done since Spring Cleaning. (Some of that cleaning needs to be done more than once a year.)

Go Green



Welcoming plants into your home is always a great and easy way to clear the negative energy in the air. The plants themselves actually clean the air toxins, and they're just purely good feng shui. Plants present the idea of growth and creativity which will certainly bring about good energy to any room.

Essential Oils



Using essential oils is a wonderful way to change up the energy surrounding you. We sell Young Living Essential Oils in our Sanford store and use our diffuser every day. Each oil has a different purpose and can easily control whether you are relaxed or energized.

Let us know if you have any other ideas to clear that negative air and welcome in the positive and upbeat frequencies!


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