Spring Cleaning With Your Easter Guests In Mind

Spring is here! Easter is coming fast, and you need to prepare your home for all of your incoming guests. While you’re tidying up your home, might as well nip Spring Cleaning in the bud! We have formed the perfect list for Spring Cleaning that includes preparing for your guests. Let’s get started with the basics!

The Basics:



1. Start by dusting all surfaces, corners, edges, fans, lights, and doors. Knock that out first. It sounds like a lot, but it should be quick, fast, and easy.

2. Move on to washing all baseboards, wiping switches, doorknobs, countertops, vents, and anything else you can think of that might need wiping. While you’re at it, go ahead and spot clean the walls.



3. Go through each bedroom and bathroom collecting pillows, blankets, rugs, towels, bedding, and any other laundry that needs cleaning. Wash and put away all items. If you have any questions about deep-cleaning rugs, check out our previous post specifically about Deep-Cleaning Rugs, and it will give you all the information you need to know.

4. Clean and wipe down all appliances big and small. This includes everything from your fridge to your washer and dryer to your food processor. EVERYTHING. Try to get under all the appliances too, because that’s where most dust and build up is.



5. Tackle the bathrooms. Scrub all toilets, tubs, and showers. Scrub the bathrooms the guests will be using a couple times extra!

6. Vacuum, rotate, and flip all the mattresses in your home. Many people look over this step very often, but this is very important. It keeps your mattress from wearing out so easy and helps it last longer.

7. Wait until you’re completely done and steam vacuum and mop the entire floor of your home. We say to wait, because everyone loves those vacuum lines and you won’t be walking over what you just cleaned.

Deep Spring Cleaning:

If you want to get really intense with your cleaning skills, go the extra mile with these next steps.



1. Clean the fireplace. You might be covered in soot when you’re done, but don’t worry! It will all be worth it when your guests compliment you on how surprisingly clean your fireplace is.

2. Sweep the front porch and the patio. Once you get all the leaves and nonsense brushed off them, try to deck brush them. This should make them look brand new. If you don’t know how to clean your deck or patio properly, just follow our steps in our previous Deck and Patio post.



3. Defrost your freezer. Clean it out. Throw out the stuff you’ve been saving (and been thinking you’re going to use) for just too long. This goes for the fridge too. We all have that bad habit of leaving items we don’t use in there way past their expiration date, because we purely just don’t notice. What did you say? Might as well tackle the pantry as well? Right you are! Go ahead and clean out and reorganize your pantry. It helps for stocking up food for Easter guests.

4. Deep clean the oven. This is a big one since you’ll probably be using it for Easter dishes. If you don’t clean it, the oven can actually change the smell and taste of your food.



5. Wash all your window, window tracks, and curtains. Those get dusty and dirty too!

6. Our last deep clean for the home is cleaning out your closet. We know, we know. No one wants to give away any clothes ever, but we have a few simple rules to make it easier on you. If you haven’t worn it in a year, give it away. You aren’t going to wear it “someday”. If it doesn’t fit, give it away. If you say it will fit after tailoring but never go get it tailored, give it away. You’re never taking it to get tailored. If it doesn’t fit your lifestyle, give it away. Those are all the rules. Simple and easy to follow. Clearing your closets will also free up room for your guests coming to stay with you.

Extra Preparation for Guests:



1. When you are making the beds, be sure to put extra blankets on it. While you’re in the guest room, check to make sure there is a luggage rack or a bench for your guests to place their bags on while they’re there.

2. Place a candle in the guest room along with a basket full of anything they might need during their stay, such as disposable razors, mouthwash, extra toothbrushes, shampoo, conditioner, hairspray, etc. Make sure you’re stocked on toilet paper and extra towels as well.



3. Place current magazines and books around the house as easy reading for your guests.

4. Stock your kitchen with extra coffee, tea, creamer, and sugar. More people in the home means more coffee is going to be made.

5. Make sure there are no burned out lights. Double check the rooms the guests will be staying in.



6. Last but not least, wash your pets! This might seem like a funny cleaning step, but it is completely necessary. Pets carry dirt and smells while they run around the home causing the smell to waft through the home in every room. It’s smart to just wash them once a month anyway to keep them and everything else clean.

Now, you should be fully prepared for your Easter guests and anything that might come your way! You can now focus on your guests and this wonderful holiday!


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