Take Out the Trends: What’s NOT Hot In 2016

We are all getting a full load of which trends are hot in 2016, but what are the trends that should not be in our homes anymore? We're here to save you from an outdated trend crisis! From certain patterns to a few color combinations, we will successfully make room for the new favored trends.


First off, get the chevron out of here! We all should've retired it a little while ago, so if you still have chevron in your homes, remove it. All these geometric prints are being pushed out of our homes as well. Slowly but surely, we can replace them with newly coveted 2016 prints.


Faux finishes and accent walls need to go! They don't belong in 2016. Instead, we want our finishes to look new, fresh, and clean. No color washing, people! About these accent walls, we know you'll miss them, but hey, if you really like that color, paint the whole room and tone it down with the furniture and decor. Problem solved. Your home will look updated and trendy, so there are no negative aspects to this trend going out of style.


Let's talk about these color combinations for a second. We know, once upon a time, brown & teal and maroon & gold went so well together, but how about we update them. Change it up a bit. Use one of the colors of the year with a neutral taming hue. We can definitely all agree, though, beige is out. Exchange it with a gray-influenced color palette. Anything but beige will do.


As glamorous as mirrored furniture might look, it should really stay in 2015. Besides, how many times a day do you get distracted by treating it like an actual mirror? (We all do it. Don't lie.) Change it out for white furnishings. It still gives off a chic, glamour look with no distractions. Now when it comes to words as art, there's a way to do this in 2016, but using decals is not it. Take the decals down, and if you still really want words on your wall, print something from the computer and put it in a frame. This way, you can make it say whatever and look however you would like. Way more personal than the "Live. Laugh. Love" the majority of people have on their walls.


We're finishing off with the kitchen. What exactly is the point of a kitchen desk? Don't try to say to get work done, because who actually uses them for that? They just build up clutter. There are probably piles of your mail on your kitchen desk right now. If you want to get work done, create yourself an office somewhere else in your home. To get started, check out our Home Office Post for inspiration. Don't have the room? Just set up a small corner area. This is the "working from home" year anyway. Now, over counter microwaves might throw off a few of you thinking, "well, where would I put it then?" Think outside the box. (See what I did there?) Build it into the bottom cabinets. Almost to make it out of sight. The best way to accomplish this would be to have a built-in microwave nook in the kitchen island.

Okay, people. You have been warned! Don't be caught making these decor and design mistakes. Step it up in 2016! This is going to be a great year!


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