Rock The Honeycomb Treatment

Back to School with Organized Style

If you’re sick and tired of seeing chevron, polka dots, and stripes, why not try a honeycomb pattern?! The honeycomb pattern is basically a cluster of hexagons all connected together. If you’re attracted to organized shapes and patterns, we would highly suggest this design for your wall space. This wall treatment can be completely personalized with colors and technique. There are a number of ways that you can mix it up and make the design unique while still keeping the honeycomb theme. No matter what you choose, your honeycomb design will be entirely your own and help your personality stand out in your space.



To begin this project, you will need to take a trip to your local hardware store or Home Depot and purchase wood pieces. This wood will need to be cut into pieces that form a hexagonal shape. You can choose to paint the wood either before or after they are cut. You have to make sure that your cuts are precise and consistent, because all of the pieces need to be the same length and thickness. Once all of your cuts are complete, they should look like little arrows on both sides. Each side of the wood piece should come to a point. Once you have concluded that all of the pieces are done correctly, you can start their placement! Place the pieces onto the wall, and connect them into a honeycomb shape. Tape the hexagon onto the wall to make sure all of the pieces are leveled and your placement is correct. Once this is done, you use a nail gun to secure the wood to your wall. Putting one nail in the center of each piece should do the trick. Then just continue to use your painter's tape and build off from the hexagon you just built. Now comes the fun part! You can choose to paint the inside of your hexagons or just paint the wood pieces. Whatever you choose, you can make the design all your own with just a bit of color!




hexagon wall art



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Back to School with Organized Style


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