Art On The Wall, Or Is The Wall Art?

It’s just too easy to slap a piece of artwork onto a few of your walls and call it artistic, because that’s not really very artistic, now is it? Why do that when you can actually make your wall into art?! There are countless ways to design your wall space so that it tells a story about your creative mind while making the space a lot more attractive than a simple piece of art hung on the wall. Now, don’t get us wrong, we love to use decorative artwork on our walls, but there are so many other options that many have yet to embark on! Today, we’re going to inspire you with a few unique ways to make your walls come to life. Everyone needs at least one special accent wall, so let your artistic mind flow. Try out one of these projects!



For our first idea, we know exactly what you’re thinking, “Why didn’t I think of that?!!” It is a pretty awesome idea. If you have the time, we highly recommend this one! For this project, all you have to do is expand the paint on the walls to the ceiling for a visually appealing effect. This design makes your eyes wander and gives off a never ending appeal that seems pretty modern and unusual; naturally, we love it! It’s a great focal point for your space that’ll have everyone looking from the walls to the ceiling! To complete this artwork, you’ll need the paint colors of your choice and lot of painter’s tape. It’d be pretty cool to paint the ceiling like Michelangelo did but not so safe, so make sure you have someone helping you!



A lot of people are fans of the shattered glass pattern, and we can see why! There’s just something about broken pieces that makes everything look just a bit more edgy, so if you love the concept of this pattern, then why not make it the focus of your accent wall?! With a bit of painter’s tape and some shape skills, it’ll be super easy! Numerous different patterns can be made with tape and paint, so even if this pattern doesn’t appeal to you, there many others to choose from. Walls don’t always have to be solid and perfect, and this type of project brings a modern and artistic feel to your space. Show that you actually put a lot of thought and creativity into your design!





Messy stripes! We love this idea because there's no taping or measuring required at all! Perfect for those who are anti-measurers. Just take a small roller and roll on stripes from the ceiling to the floor. They don't need to be perfect or exact--in fact, part of the charm is that each one will be a little different. This is the one where the perfectionists have to step back and say, it’s okay to be messy! The design isn’t meant to be perfect, and it stands just fine the way that it is which makes it so easy to love! Then, you can hang a piece of artwork. The wall even feels like it was meant to be a part of the artwork; it is a piece of art in a piece of art!


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