10 Tips for Creating the Perfect Apartment for 2

You’re taking the plunge(r)! Obviously not the marrying type, but into the apartment, silly! Moving in together is a huge step. It takes some serious patience and remembrance of the love you have for one another. We’re here to provide you with tips so you both come out of this process alive!

1. Keep the Bedding Simple



Your man doesn’t want flowers all over his sheets, and you probably don’t want all black sheets. Keep it simple! You can never go wrong with solid white sheets. This doesn’t leave out a bunch of options either. You still have multiple choices when you consider texture and design.

2. Storage is Key



We’ve mentioned this in almost every blog post, so it goes to show that having a lot of storage in every room is very important. It is also a proven fact that if your storage is stylish, it appears more organized. Keep that in mind when you’re shopping for crates and bins. Also, here at A.Clore Interiors, we love showing off our colorful wardrobe with freestanding clothing racks. They have a sleek look and save so much space if you have an overflowing closet.

3. Both of You Should Feel Comfortable



You’re apartment should give off a very home-y feel to the both of you. Let it be both charming and livable. Get a large sofa that fits you together comfortably. This is the one area we will allow convenience over style!

4. Both Should Bring Something to the Table

Make sure you both move in all of your stuff to see exactly what you have and what you need. On that note, go shopping together! Don’t buy something for the home without consulting your other half first. You want to make sure the apartment reflects your relationship, not half.

5. Keep It Neutral



Paint the place to personalize it and make it feel like home. With that being said, stick to a neutral color palette. You want to make sure that it matches all items, both yours and his.

6. Have Personal Space

Have a designated space for each of you that’s all your own. Decorate it however your little heart desires! Go all out! It’s your escape. Make sure it defines you.

7. Verify Veto Power

Let him know he has veto power! He’s a guy, so chances are he doesn’t want to pick out every little detail. Make sure he knows, though, that he has full ability to veto anything you pick out until it’s something you both like.

8. Have a Bed for Royals



You both can probably perfectly fit in a queen size bed. Therefore, you need a king size comforter! You know the hatred that comes over you in the middle of the night when you wake up and realize they stole all the covers. This will solve all your problems!

9. Revive the Romance

Display items that encourage romance, such as pictures of you two together, candles, or flowers. That doesn’t mean pink carnations. Put out some fresh red or white roses. This creates the idea of romance in the mind, as well as lit candles. It not only helps out you and your hunny, but it makes for beautiful décor.

10. Kick Your Feet Up



Splurge on a coffee table! You want the perfect living room table for the “kick your feet up” moments at the end of a long day. You’ll thank yourself later.


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