3D Rendering: Everything You Need To Know!

Interior designers have a secret weapon when it comes to helping clients visualize their finished home. We call it 3D rendering. Many home owners are starting to use different softwares on their own and learning how to use them as they go, so they can imagine their perfected home. You might have a few questions about it, such as what is 3d rendering, why does it help, and which software should you use? Well, you're in luck! We have answers for you. Keep reading to kill the curiosity.

What is 3D Rendering?

3D rendering is a creative process that utilizes certain software to create a 3d visualization that includes all details. The 2D image should come out looking similar to a photograph or cinematography, because you will be able to add in all the lighting and stage the entire home. Here's an example of a 3D rendered image...



Why Does It Help?

The image helps homeowners get a realistic visual of their space, and it makes every idea come together to create one design. This also helps make more sense to the homeowner so they can decide if everything is placed exactly where they want it and have it come out exactly how they would like. By seeing this and making these decisions in a software, you can save the homeowners from making a few costly mistakes!

Which Software Should You Use?

Even though we do suggest going through a designer because of experience and design knowledge, we want to share with you the most user-friendly softwares that homeowners can use on their own. There are two that are free and very easy to use: Olioboard and AutoDesk Homestyler. You can use them for something just as simple as deciding if you want a specific piece of artwork hung on which wall at what level, because seeing it all first definitely helps save you from all that handy work and nailing into your wall repetitively in different areas.


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