3 Ideas for Small Studio Organization

     We all are aware of the mess that takes over our small studio, craft corners, or really any small space in the house, and it’s dreadful trying to clean up your studio every time you want to work in that space or after you're done working in that space. Here, at A.Clore Interiors, we have a solution to all of your problems! Be prepared to watch your cluttered corner turn into a working wonderland! Let's see how to get there...

All About the Materials



     You should keep all of your materials out and in clear view. This is a great idea, because seeing your materials will help with inspiration and recreate the longing to get creative. Sometimes, we forget how much we enjoy using certain materials or that we even have them! Keeping them out in front of you will remind you of them and cause you to use them more often. Fun ideas of showing off the materials you have is by hanging them up making it easier to go through for you, such as fabric.

Hide the Supplies



     Our materials are beautiful, and we all love showing them off. Our supplies, on the other hand, we feel very different about. No one wants to see your paint or glue gun lying on your desk. Go ahead and put all your supplies in boxes. To make the boxes easier to keep up with, label them! Utilize portable storage and all the extra shelving you might have in your space. If you start getting too many boxes of supplies, designate each box to a certain “craft” or project you are working on at the time.

All the Leftovers



     There’s always extra miscellaneous stuff lying around to be put away but has nowhere to go. Get a bin for all of those things, too! However, if an item has a selected spot or bin it should be in, keep it organized. Place it in the designated bin. If it is absolutely necessary, it is okay to have more than one miscellaneous bin. We also suggest getting a separate smaller container to put in the larger bin for all the small items. If you have a desk drawer, it’s easiest to place a tray in the drawer.

There is always less stress and more inspiration when you have a nicely organized space. That’s a fact! We promise; even organizing can be fun. Put on some music, bring out some matching bins and containers, and get to organizing!


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