A Budget Friendly Bathroom!

budget friendly bathroomThe bathroom is the one room that should feel relaxing, indulgent and calm. Unfortunately, if you’re a family home, sometimes the bathroom can become overrun with plastic duckies and bath bubbles, and we don’t always have a big budget to spend on décor. So, we have a few tips on how you can update your current bathroom space. Trust us; there are ways to create a luxury bathroom without spending a fortune!To begin your bathroom journey, you’ll want to think carefully about the colors you’ll use. If you would like a clean hotel feel, then go for simple whites and creams, while adding dark woods, or copper toned accessories. If you would like something more fun and vibrant, try to still use simple whites as your background, and add in the spice with colorful accessories and toiletries. Try not to overpower the room with a complex theme; only 2 main colors should be used to keep the space elegant and simple.2700bf217dc2d6b1ee154884ffbfea67


Well thought out lighting is another way to help make your space feel more luxurious! Spotlights, wall lights, and illuminated wall mirrors or cabinets will always add that decadent touch and give your space a more professional feel. Make sure to add your lighting element during your early stages of design. Because of this, you will want to give the whole scheme plenty of thought before you make any final decisions.The most easy and effective way to add a touch of luxury to your bathroom is through accessories! Think of items like Voluspa candles, fluffy towels, divine soaps by Submerge, and fragrances to add a grand touch to your space. Luxury bathroom accessories are easy to find and an inexpensive way to add a little spice to your bathroom interior.e71555ed2bcf952044b138702eb8ec08


For our last tip of richness, clear away all the clutter! We tend to accumulate a collection of bath and beauty products, so having a stylish storage to hide it all away is the perfect way to help update your bathroom. Divide your favorites into coordinated containers, and add a storage unit, hooks, and cabinets to ensure all your products are hidden away from view until you need them.These are just a few of our special tips to get your bathroom in tip-top shape! With the right colors, accessories, and the perfect lighting, you can achieve your own luxurious bathroom without the grand cost! Try a few of our tips, and see what you can do with your bathroom!


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