Conquering the Guest Bedroom Like a Pro

0001-35686334What room should be the most relaxing and enjoyable room in the house? The Guest Room! The guest room is one of the most crucial rooms in the house to keep in tiptop shape. We always want to ensure a comfortable relaxing stay for our wonderful guests. There are many different items you can include in the décor to really have your guest room stand out above the rest, but we broke it down to seven essentials.Basket Of Magazines


The first essential item that really just brings a calming feel is a basket of magazines. Always keep all your magazines that come through the mail, so if your guest would like to take a magazine with them, they can. Keep a variety of different magazines; everyone is into different things. The most important part of this is the basket. Pick something that goes with the rest of the room and any “theme” you might have going in the room. Just fan them out; make them look pretty.Closet Hangers


Additionally, I love when I go somewhere that has hangers for me so I can hang up all my important clothes. Leave about eight hangers in the closet for convenience purposes. Your guests will be impressed and very satisfied when it comes to the end of their stay.

 Extra Blankets and Pillows


Extra blankets and pillows! This is critical because that’s the number one question guests ask about: if you have a blanket. Don’t make them ask! Give them extra! Make sure the blankets and extra sheets are always clean. Check twice for stains, and never let it smell! Full Length Mirror


Women love full-length mirrors. I know I could probably stand in front of one all day. We want to be able to see our whole outfit all at once. You might not understand the simple joy and happiness you’re bringing to your guest when you put a full-length mirror in the guest room. They will love it!Blowdryer Blog


The fifth essential item is quite a serious one. If you don’t use it right, you could completely blow it…a hairdryer!! When you and your guest are trying to get ready in a certain amount of time and you both need to use the hairdryer at the same time, it gets really busy and slows you both down. Do you both a favor and keep a spare under the sink in the guest bathroom. Make sure they’re aware of it and where it’s at.Wifi Password


I grouped everything on the bedside table into one category: the bedside table grouping. There are four crucial items necessary for the night stand, including books, an alarm clock, lamp, and the Wi-Fi password. Any books will do; just make sure they at least look a little interesting. You never know when someone’s in the mood for some midnight reading. You need an alarm clock on there. You don’t want them having to reach for their phone or look at their watch every time they would like to know what time it is. You want them to be able to wake up to the radio if they would like that. An alarm clock is just essential for it’s convenience. This is the same with the lamp. You need a cool lamp that spices up the room with style, but one that is extremely functional. This might be the most used piece in the whole guest bedroom. Last but not least, the Wi-Fi password. Not many people think about this, but if you have it already set out in front of them, they’ll love you for it. With the social media being so big nowadays, it is just nice to leave it out for them. You can put it in a nice frame and look more like a piece of art as you can see in the photo.Flower Arrangement


The last item is partly for décor and partly to add a scent. They’re flowers!! I gave a brief description of how to make the perfect flower arrangement in the post about the 2015 summer trends for your home. Flower arrangements have a classic, beautiful effect in a room. They work everywhere to make a room look softer and more relaxed. It helps that they smell so nice and fresh as well!Well, there are our seven essentials to conquering the guest bedroom like a professional. Very simple. Very easy. Add this here; add this there. Just to acknowledge all the items again, we have a basket full of magazines, extra closet hangers, extra blankets and sheets, a full-length mirror, a hairdryer, the bedside table grouping, and flowers. Your guests will be very impressed and extremely satisfied!


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