Backyard Design Hacks

Is your backyard and patio area getting you down this Summer? Revamping your backyard space doesn't have to cost a fortune. There are tons of cost effective ways to spice up your backyard while keeping your wallet intact. Were going to show you five ways to add interest to your outdoor spaces by repurposing, and getting creative. (Get your old paint clothes out and handy)

Blank Wall Woes

Most of us can empathize with having a bland wall or surface in our backyard. Instead of letting that plain fence drag you down, get your paint brush ready and create something beautiful. Now we know that not everyone is very comfortable with free handing something like this so instead use a stencil and create a fun pattern that way. Whether you create a free handed master piece, or an expert stenciled design, your blank fence is sure to go from drab to fab.

Design by A.Clore Interiors


Give Life to your own Terrarium 

Wanna add some greenery to your space in a non-traditional way? Create this easy terrarium with 3 simple steps. First, choose a tall apothecary jar that will fit your space. Next, choose flowers or greenery of you choosing that compliment each other (For this particular DIY we recommend using faux flowers like we did) . Now, place some colored sand to the bottom of your vases. Lastly, add in your flowers and enjoy your unique terrarium!

Look how lovely they turned out!


Throw Some Paint on it

Wanna make an audacious change? Get you paint roller ready and get to town. Painting a bold color on your backdoor can really brighten up the entrance to your backyard and set the tone for your outdoor space. Don't count your ceiling out, adding a pop of color to your back porch ceiling is a great way to add variety in a non-traditional way. Lastly, adding a fresh coat of paint to your floor is another fun solution that adds colorful interest, but don't think you have to keep that color solid. Adding a stripe or different pattern will make a bold statement this Summer.



Take a Seat

Feeling crafty? You don't have to settle for basic patio chairs this Summer. Instead, you can create  one of a kind chairs using the frame from a simple folding lawn chair and reinforced yarn to create the seat and back of the chair. If you want to get really fancy with it, you can arrange the yarns so that it creates a cool pattern on the chair. This could also be used to create a stool if you took the base of a stool and used yarn to complete the top. If you aren't feeling quite that crafty, you can take simple plastic patio chairs and dip their legs in a complimenting color to create a unique look to complete you backyard.

Design by A.Clore Interiors

Photography by Abby Liga


No Table? No Problem.

I hope you're feeling resourceful for this backyard hack. If you have any old tires lying around your garage then your half way to having a fun summer table. Take two old tires and spray paint them a color of you choice, then place them in the center of your seating area and top it off with a piece of glass to complete your new table. Or if you want a more rustic look, opt for a chunk of an old tree and it can easily be used a as a natural looking side table.


Design by A.Clore Interiors

Photography by Abby Liga


'Throw' some paint on those pillows

Its no secret that throw pillows are a great way to add color and interest to your outdoor seating, but now you can make your pillows even unique to you. You can buy a plain pillow or just use the back of an existing pillow and paint away. Again if you don't want to free hand, you can use a stencil like we did with our pineapple pillow. We used just basic fabric paint and a brush to create this fun summer pillow.

Look how fun this turned out


How to make your home look magazine ready


Revamp for the Summer in 5