How to make your home look magazine ready

If you're like us you probably love to relax with a cup of coffee and new magazines. Have you ever flipped through a home magazine and dreamed that your living spaces were worthy to be on those pages? There are many factors that go into making a room picture-perfect, however, there are elements that all those beautiful pictures have in common that you can apply to your home!


Rule of Three 

The rule of three is widely known and used guidelines in all forms of design. When things are arranged in odd numbers such as 3, 5, 7, 9 it is visually more appealing than when things are grouped evenly with numbers like 2,4,6,8. When arranging the top of things like a coffee table, side and accent tables, look for three items that compliment each other. This means taking into account size, proportion, color, and functionality. (For example if you want to put a small box on your living room coffee table be sure to get one large enough to house all your remotes that way it is functional and not just decorative.) You can see below how we executed the rule of three in a few projects.

Go Big or Go Home

All too often we see spaces look incomplete or lacking and not because of the number of items in a room but rather because of size. When you use smaller elements such as vases, mirrors, lamps, and art it can make a room seem underwhelming. Space needs a balance of proportion to feel whole and look like its ready for its close up. (Tip: when shopping always have a tape measure handy so you don't choose something too large and overpowering. You want a nice balance) So don't be afraid of large mirrors, and grand pendents. They are your friend and possibly the key to making your room feel whole.


Florals, Florals, Florals

Like jewelry completes an outfit, accessories complete a room. One of the most important accessories you can add is a natural element like a floral arrangement. We're practical people, we know keeping fresh flowers in your home 24/7 is unrealistic. That's why we love to incorporate beautiful faux floral arrangements into our designs. The faux flowers look just as lovely as fresh flowers without the upkeep. (Keep in mind not all faux arrangements out there are winners. Be choosy and find one that would make someone do a double-take if you told them it was fake)

Books, Blankets, and Pillows Oh My

If you look closely at those perfected magazine images you will see numerous fluffed pillows, large strain out throws, and stacked books galore. These are the finishing touches that really complete your room. Like they say "it's all about the details". Make sure all of your pillows look full and have been chopped down the middle (Amber is beautifully demonstrating the "pillow chop" move below) Layout a nice throw blanket on a chase or the end of a bed. This is a practical accessory because who doesn't love to wrap up in a blanket. Lastly, don't be afraid to stack and layer books. You can put a candle on top that will add height and interest to any table surface. (If you don't want to buy a ton of books look at what you already have. Maybe you can take the book jacket off to reveal a pretty blank book underneath!!

Light those Candles

Candles are one of the oldest design features that we still use today. Many people light candles for their fragrances. But candles offer a-lot of design perks as well. They can set the mood for a room and offer ambient lighting. You can even get candles in unique decorated cans/jars that will add to your design. (Tip: Look for candles that are soy-based. Soy-based candles are better for your allergies and they have a much longer burning life.)


One main thing all magazine spaces have in common is no clutter. What a dream I know right. With busy lives, jobs, kids, and pets it can seem impossible to keep the clutter hidden far far away (where we want it). One big step to making things appear more organized is hiding all tv and electronic cords. This can be done things like baseboard strips or you can even see about running your wires behind the wall so it's like they're not there at all. Another way to keep organized to have plenty of storage for your stuff to go in. Ottomans that have storage are a great place to store unwanted shoes and toys lying around.


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