Cluttering Home Decor Ideas To Get Rid Of

We all want to stay up with the latest trends, tips, and tricks, but sometimes, all those trendy ideas just create clutter. We'll let you know how to keep up with these trends correctly in a non-cluttering way.

So Many Floating Shelves



Floating shelves are so great for display storage, but the clutter comes when there are just too many! Be careful not to over-do it. People add in more shelves when they want more and more storage. Just get rid of some stuff or find another place to store it, such as your garage or attic. As you can see in the picture, it's still trendy and not over done.

A Lot of Kitchen Accessories



There are only so many cookbooks you need and so many glasses and so many appliances on your countertops. Yes, they are so cute individually, but now there are so many, they blend together and create clutter. Instead, pick a very limited amount of decorative pieces to put out in the kitchen.

Couch Pillow Clutter



We all love couch pillows. They're comfortable. They cute. They're the best couch accessory, but too many is too many. Lots of people tend to over do this designer idea. This tends to happen more to small couches, because they tend to think it has to be a certain number no matter how big or small the couch is. Think less is more. That is sure to help out. Even if you have a large couch, try to pick your favorites and downsize the number of pillows.

Pile Up on Table Trays



Designers use table trays because if used correctly, they're great tools providing an area to be used as a "drop zone" for smaller items. Many people use it for mail instead, and when the mail doesn't get checked, it piles up and piles up. The table tray clutter starts becoming the main eye drawing area in the whole room. Try to refrain from placing your mail on your table tray.

Stacks on Stacks on Stacks of Books



Stacked books is a very cute trend, but this is one you have to be careful of overdoing. It can easily create a clutter problem. It really just creates piles in every room that are unnecessary if it's just too many. Try to just minimize the stacked book decor as shown in the picture.

Hopefully, you can decrease the clutter in your home with our tips here. Don't forget: it mainly comes downs to over doing one cute trend that too much creates clutter. Follow the pictures provided for ideas on how to keep up with the latest in the best ways! Keep it trendy, chic, and decluttered!


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