Color Impressionism: Which Feelings Coordinate With Which Colors

We are all aware that the color we pick for each room will affect our feelings and emotions. We’re going to give you an easy guide to which colors give you which reactions. This should make your decisions much easier!




Because we don’t tend to use black when painting but we do influence how we feel with a lot of black accents and large black furniture, I’ll start here. Black screams power with elegance. The word timeless tends to come to mind which is why it is used so much in not only design, but also in fashion and luxury brands.




Getting lighter, we come to gray. It is normally used for sleek, modern designs. It has a “techy” feel to it, so we suggest using it in an office or study room. It will stay calm and conservative next to any accessories you might add to make a splash.




Moving on to brighter colors, we hit green. It is becoming a huge thing to use eco-friendly materials, and with that, we tend to think of the color green. It causes thoughts of money, growth, freshness, and balance. Green would be a great color for a library!




Purple tends to have a spiritual, royal, creative feel. You have many different feelings from this one color. It really just depends on how you use the color. It can also give senses of serenity and artistry. The darker shades cause more luxurious feelings, while the lighter shades tend to be more feminine. We suggest using purple for a bedroom or a hallway depending on how bold you want to make it.




Pink, being very similar to purple, is also very feminine, friendly, and evokes modern appeal. It can be bold. It can be soft. You can really use it however you would like. We think adding a soft blush pink to a light living room is the perfect touch for a single girl’s apartment.




Red is one of the ultimate power colors (next to black, of course). It’s dynamic, but it’s also known to stimulate appetite, which is why so many restaurants use it in their logos and designs. It gets very overpowering pretty quickly, so definitely be careful on how you use it. We would love to see more people using it in their kitchens, though! Try it out!




Depending on the shade, like many of the colors, it can give off different feelings, such as calming, peaceful, loyal, and reliable feelings. It’s a great color for a living room or den. It’s a good idea to have a color that exudes loyalty and dependability in the family room for the family to soak in.


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When we think of yellow, we often think of the sun, how it’s bright, cheerful, and energetic. It’s a great color for every room honestly, because it brings such great vibes and automatically can put anyone in an exceptional mood. This color is another one that stimulates appetite, so consider putting this in your kitchen as well!




Same as the yellow, our friend orange here, evokes energy and vibrancy. It’s an inviting color that gives positive, playful, and friendly feelings. Orange is another great color for a living room.




We saved white for last. We use white a lot when decorating, because the color gives off a pure, almost sacred feel. It can make any room feel beautiful by looking pure which is a crazy concept all in itself. If taken care of, it can also make every place look extremely clean, which is always a plus. We don’t suggest it if you have multiple children in the house, but for a single’s apartment or a house without any kids, it has an amazing outcome. It also makes everything look bigger!


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