Prepare Your Kitchen For The Next Day

We are always looking for ways to be prepared for the day ahead of us and ways to make our lives just a tad easier, especially in the mornings where we tend to get a bit behind. There are, however, certain things you can do the night before to prepare you for the morning ahead. Follow these few steps and you will be much less stressed and calmly walking out the door instead of scrambling.

Think Through Your Day



Start by packing your bag for the following day. Think of everything you might need in your purse for work or errands and pack up your bag accordingly. While you’re at it, pack up the kids’ backpacks as well. Make sure they have their homework, all their school supplies, and anything they will need for their after-school activities. Just getting that done will make you feel like you can take a deep breath.

Plan For Breakfast



What will you be having for breakfast that next morning? We know it is the most important meal of the day, so you can’t skip it! If you’re planning for something along the lines of pancakes, prepare by mixing the dry ingredients, so all you have to do in the morning is combine the dry and wet ingredients. If you want to go with something even easier such as a fruit parfait, put them together in a mason jar or bowl and place them in the fridge. In the morning, you just bring it out to the table and boom! Breakfast is served.

Decide on Dinner



Plan what you are going to make. Move the frozen items to the fridge so that they have time to defrost, and print out the recipe. This will ensure a healthy dinner for the next day and won’t be such a pain to decide on what to make.

Wash the Dishes



Clean all the dishes that were used that night. It’s much harder leaving the house in the morning when you look in that sink and there are dishes that need to be done. This doesn’t even mean that you have to hand wash every dish. You could throw them all in the dishwasher if you’d like. Just get them clean so it doesn’t become something you have to worry about later.

Ready Your Water



It is great to stay hydrated all day. We know we should be drinking more water than we do, so with that being said, you’ve also probably heard about the ways to make your water more “drinkable” by creating infused water. By adding mint, cucumbers, blackberries, lemons, limes, or a combination of items, you can create a drink that is refreshing and hydrating! If you prep it the night before, you can just grab it from the fridge and head out the door!

We hope these ideas help you out as much as they help us out. Just always try to prepare as much as you can, because it always makes it much easier on you later on when you’re too busy!


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