Day 12: Five Senses of Holiday Design

[Restoration Hardware]

We are gearing up for the holiday season here at A.Clore Interiors.

What does that mean?

Well, it means a lot of things. First and foremost, a new showroom to decorate!!

Then, a table-scape setting for the Historic Sanford Holiday Tour of Homes [located at the Secret Garden stop]

And to finish it all off, a White Winter themed holiday party at A.Clore Interiors [still in the planning stages]

When it comes to planning a successful holiday party. It is important that you create the perfect festive mood for your guests. To do so, you must appeal to each of their five senses:

1. Sight:Β Delight their eyes with color, contrast (textural or visual), and your individual sense of style. We like to think of holiday decorating as a large personal art project; one you create to inspire, to entice and to bring joy to family and friends.

2. Scent:Β Fragrance is a powerful mood changer, use it to your advantage by using scents associated with happy memories and the holiday season. Some fragrances to try: cinnamon apple and fresh baked apple pie.

3. Hearing:Β Fill the room with happy, festive music that captures the essence of the season. Admittedly, we dust this one off every christmas and is one of our favorites. NSYNC!

4. Taste:Β Yummy treats are expected. This is no time for β€˜diet food’. The holiday season is the much anticipated break from β€œbeing good” – indulge your guests with rich and decadent cuisine.

5. Touch:Β Help them relax and enjoy the event by creating a comfortable environment with soft pillows and throws.

We are super excited about applying this concept to our White Winter party and thankful that good design and preparation will forever include the 5 senses we use everyday.

What are your plans for the holidays??


Sitcom Spotlight: Suburgatory


Day 10 & 11: Elle Magazine