Design Tips: Finding Your Style

We have done basic design tips and affordable, expert design tips, but now, it's time to find your style and realize what you want in your home. There are so many tricks to figure out exactly what you accept style-wise, including both fashion and interiors. The one thing we ask you to keep in mind throughout the style search is that personality is extremely important. Your home needs to be a reflection of you, and that will lead to you loving it for a very long time and not feel it's necessary to alter your design often. With that in mind, let's get down to business...

Find Inspiration



First things first, you need to find what your eye is drawn to. Pinterest helps out a lot with this and makes it easy to create your "home dream board" online, but we think it's best to be able to see it all spread out and be able to touch it, smell it, use all senses. Cut out pages in magazines. Yes, it sounds like a kindergarten project, but cut out each individual piece you love. This way you can pair certain things together and decide which items you like together and which ones you don't. Also include paint colors and fabrics. You can get the paint samples from your local hardware store and samples of fabrics from your local craft store. Summary: gather pictures, wall colors, shapes of furniture, and fabrics.

Think About It



To make sure it's the exact paint colors you want, go out to your local craft store and buy a canvas to paint. Hang it on your wall, and see what you think! This is a lot easier than painting splotches all over your walls. This way if you have family or friends come over, you can just take them off the wall instead of having your home look messy and disorganized with a bunch of different paint testers on the walls.

Wait It Out



We suggest living in a home for a couple months before making your decorating and designing decisions. This tends to help you get a sense of space, and you can spend this time rearranging furniture, decor items, and paint colors to learn what you like in which area.

Map Rooms



Now that you've been in the house for a bit and you know where you like everything, map it out. Draw it out. It doesn't have to be fancy or a lot of detail. Just achieve the basics. Figure out where each piece of furniture should go based on how you felt with each arrangement. When it comes time to bring furniture back in after re-doing the rooms, use your hand-drawn map to map out the floor in painter's tape to double check how well each piece will work in each room.

Look In Your Closet



Go ahead! Take a peek in your closet. Notice which colors you're drawn to and which colors are missing from your wardrobe. Run with the color palette you see most in your closet because it shows you which colors you're most comfortable with. Pay attention to patterns, solids, and silhouettes. Base your fabrics and accents on the clothes you're drawn to wearing on an everyday basis.

We hope your style inspiration has been revived with our tips and tricks! Just remember, your home should always be a reflection of you! Let your personality shine through your decor!


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