Trendy Storage for Coffee Mugs

We can all agree that we collect mugs and now have an over load of mugs. What can we do with all of those mugs? Let's make some cute storage to store all of these adorable mugs we want to display! There are quite a few different ways to go about this, so we'll show you many options...

Floating Shelves

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The first idea is quite simple and has a very minimalist look if that's your type of style. Just add in some floating shelving and boom. You've got yourself a sweet and simple kitchen display for your mugs!

Free-Standing Rack

Trendy Mug Storage


If you're primarily looking for extra storage, try finding a free-standing rack that you can place your coffee items underneath and your mugs on top of. It will be super convenient in the mornings especially since you don't have to fish through your cabinet for your favorite mug.

Take Advantage of Spare Walls

Trendy Mug Storage


Add a railing and/or hooks to hold your cute mugs. You can use it as a decorative all piece and won't even have to buy kitchen art! To turn it into art even more, space it out in a creative way. Almost treat your mugs as if they're pieces of art on a gallery wall in your kitchen.

Use Underbelly Hooks



Attach hooks onto the bottom-side of your cabinets for extra storage. They will all look cute hanging and you can add or take away as many hooks as you'd like so that they can all fit.


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