payday loans texas Empty Nest?? RE-NEST!!

We recently came across this article by Fox News, 6 Ways to Spice Up Your Empty Nest, and found #5 to be quite appealing --


Sure, sitting in your absent child's bedroom can be somewhat therapeutic. But we think that turning those rooms into spaces you can personally enjoy is a much better way to set the tone to your next life chapter! It's the time to start to make your house your OWN!

What you turn the space into...well, thats totally up to you!!

white room_0

This sophisticated study is a perfect idea for an empty room. A space to escape and unwind, write a poem, or just curl up with a good book.


Ever dreamed of a fancy closet with all the bells and whistles? Now is the time to transform that "empty" room into the closet of your wildest imagination!!


Number 3 says to LEARN MORE THINGS!! How about an art studio, or pottery room. Let's turn this space into a creative zone for your new hobbies and interests. Much more functional than just another guest bedroom. Agreed?!


How about a sports room?! Any guy would drool over the opportunity to sit in-front of a line up of ESPN tuned-in televisions!


Having an empty nest should not be a "syndrome" but rather an excuse to revamp, restyle and most importantly REINVENT!!!

Call A.Clore Interiors today to chat with one of our designers and see how we can help you RE-NEST your home! 407.328.0730



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