10 Ways To Utilize Extra Closet Space

Do you happen to have extra closet space? Have you been wondering what to do with it? We have 10 specific ideas on how to utilize that extra space in your home! Our ideas include some fun, kid-friendly suggestions as well as some necessary and heavenly suggestions. What you do with it is all your decision!!

Office space



Our first idea is to turn it into a closet office. You can either keep the doors on to make it hidden at times or take the doors off and create a built-in office look. Add some shelving on a painted back wall for extra organization, and you’ve got yourself a wonderful small, but functional office. You could also make this a homework station for the kids, if that’s preferred.

Dressing Room



Does your little girl want to feel like a princess? Of course, she does! If all her clothes fit into her dresser and the closet space is unnecessary, turn it into a dressing room. Take the doors off and replace them with curtains. Add a little side table with dΓ©cor like a real dressing room would have and paint the walls whatever color her little heart desires. This is her dream dressing room to make her feel like the princess she is!

Reading Nook



Put a bench in that stretches wall to wall. Add a cushion on top with some extra pillows and a throw blanket. Add a shelf right on top (or a couple shelves) to hold all your books, so you can just reach up whenever you’re done with one book or starting a new book. Keep the closet doors on if you want to make this reading nook a secluded getaway or take them off to give it an airy feel. It’s up to you.

Baby Changing Station



Do you need a little extra room in the nursery? A baby’s clothes can all fit in a dresser anyway, so why not change the closet into a changing room? Take off the doors and put in a changing table. Place it in the center so you can add storage shelving on both sides to utilize all the space.




Create your own entryway out of your front closet. Take off the doors and add in a bench. Place hooks on the wall above the bench to hold hats, purses, jackets, etc. You can also add in any other storage you would like, such as a shoe rack or a side table to hold keys and other small items.

Sleepover Bunk Beds



Add some extra built-in bunk beds to create the ultimate sleepover spot. It’s a cozy little space for the fun-having little kids. Make sure to have extra blankets and pillows to ensure the spot is comfortable without being too cramped.

Extra Pantry Space



Add in some extra pantry space. Sometimes our pantries just don’t cut it and we need that extra storage area! Add in some extra shelving and maybe even some slide out shelves to make the food easier to reach.




We all have always dreamed about having our perfect vanity. Just as our daughters feel like princesses with a dressing room, we feel like queens with our own glamorous vanities. Add a floating shelf that stretches the entire length of the space and place a huge mirror on top of it. Add in little makeup storage and containers to hold all your brushes and extra hair products. The queen needs her space!

TV Room



If there’s an extra walk-in closet in an extra bedroom around the house, we suggest hanging a TV on the wall and getting a comfy chair on top of a comfy small rug and creating your own personal home theater! What a great idea right? You don’t even need to add in surround sound because it will already boom through the small space. It will also help if you prefer not to be interrupted while you’re watching a movie like many of us do.

Craft Room



Last but not least, we have a little craft corner. Again, put in a floating shelf the length of the space to create somewhat of a desk. You can add in storage organization underneath it and all on top. We suggest keep the doors on, so you can close them to act as harder access for pets and toddlers.

If you have any other ideas, we’re always open to more suggestions and would love to see what you have done with your extra storage space! You can either go more towards an essential path, such as an office or extra craft storage, or a fun direction for the kiddos, such as a dressing room or bunk beds. It’s up to you!


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