Mistakes You Make When Making Your Bed

Making your bed certainly isn't rocket science, but the difference between a messy display and an especially smooth (and super-inviting) mattress is actually all in the details.

1. You lay your top sheet pattern-up.



Placing it pattern-side down is actually the best way to show off that fun print. When you fold the top of the sheet over your duvet or comforter the pattern will be revealed, not the washed-out backside.

2. You skip hospital corners.



Whatever way you tuck in your sheets will look great, right? Not so fast. Hospital corners are classic for a reason, because they make the entire bed look taut, polished, and elegant. And really, they're not that hard to do.

3. You don't make your bed every morning.



That rumor that your bed needs to "air out"? It's a myth. Make your bed every morning and after a while, you won't feel like you've properly started your day without tucking in your sheets.

4. You don't iron your sheets.



Yes, it's a pain, but it makes a huge difference in your bed's look and feel. Certain fabrics don't need ironing (like flannel) but if your sheets are made from linen or cotton, take the time. No one likes to cuddle up with wrinkled sheets.

5. You don't use the inside-out trick when stuffing your duvet cover.



Struggling with your duvet? Here's a tip: Turn the cover inside out and place your hands inside the corners of the closed side. Grab your comforter with those hands, too, and then shake the cover on.

6. You don't use the duvet ties.



You have a duvet with ties and a comforter with slots — use them! They really help keep a fussy duvet in place, even after a night of tossing and turning.

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