How To Create the Perfect Living Room

When thinking about what to do with your living room space, you must first decide on your style. What is your style? You have to take the time to find the look that you want to create, which will tell what current trends you should use. Whatever look you go for do your research. Take cuttings from magazines, create a Pinterest board, or even pull your favorite items together in a moodboard on Houzz. This will help prevent any costly design errors or choices and keep you on track whilst you're shopping.



Once you have your style picked out and have a vision for your space, you can begin making arrangements. First, you have to remember to make it friendly. Think about how to accommodate all of the family, particularly the young people, when designing your room. Give them their own seating; beanbags or little chairs are great and ensure feelings of being part of the family. Having fabrics and materials that are washable or wipe clean will help keep the room looking good as well. Have tables at the right height for play and avoid sharp edges. However, if young people are not a part of your equation and you want to keep your living room as a formal space, feel free to use all of the sharp edges that you please!



Next, you’ll need to make the most of the light that you have. You can do this in several ways. If you have large windows allow as much light to flood into the room as possible, but if you aren’t blessed with such features, you need to trick the space into feeling lighter. Use light reflecting paints, gloss surfaces, or glass and perpex furniture. Remember to add a mirror, opposite of the window if you can to help bounce light around the room. And if you can remove a door or create a walkway through to the next room, this will also help. Don't forget accent lighting, task lighting, and table lamps all help to create an atmosphere in the room and keep it cozy and welcoming. Although, harsh lighting will make the space feel uninviting and cold, so try to avoid too many overhead lights.



A living room space will also benefit from a focal point. This is usually a fireplace, but if you don’t have one, it might be the window, the sofa, or even a light fixture from the ceiling. You might not want a huge stag head above, but create the wow factor with one accent piece that draws the eye into the room and helps to set the tone for the rest of the decor. It will really give your living room some character and can be great help in designing the remainder of the space.



It goes without saying that a great living room design needs comfortable seating. When you have a young family, you don’t always want to spend huge amounts of money on this knowing it might get wrecked in a few years, but you still purchase the best seating that you can find. Make sure that it is comfortable for everyone and made with quality material, so you can get your money’s worth!



Last but not least, a well-designed family home needs plenty of great storage, and the living room is no exception! There are lots of ways to incorporate storage into the room. Think about shelving for books and accessories, coffee tables with drawers, or even poufs with hidden storage. Be creative with your storage by upcycling old pieces of furniture and giving them new leases of life.

Just make sure your living room is a comfortable area everyone would love to hang out in and try to have it reflect your family's care and love for each other!


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In with the New Year!


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