Livable Living | "Green" Walls

We are loving this emerging concept, not only as a trend but as an important building component...

Living Walls, an economic approach to design!

 These living walls can help to remove formaldehyde, VOCs, Carbon Monoxide and many other harmful pollutants. A living wall, or green wall, is a vertically growing garden. Not only are they, um...GORGEOUS, but they are also known to contribute to the environment,  save you energy and benefit your health!!  These living walls can help to remove formaldehyde, VOCs, Carbon Monoxide and many other harmful pollutants. Bamboo palm, azalea, chrysanthemums, spider plants and aloe vera, ivy and peace lilies are known plans that remove toxins.


Plants relieve stress, reduce noise and eliminate pollution. They produce productivity and tranquility. Not only do they produce clean air for your home to breathe, but are a great source of edible herbs and vegetables!


Below are a few of living walls that inspired us!!







There are several ways living walls can be constructed. First thing would be to contact your local clean air garden specialist to find out if your home fits the criteria for a living wall!!


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