Outside In | Living in Color!

Do you ever get tired of giving others directions to your house and telling them it's the beige house on the left, and them saying which one?! Some how over the years we have gotten too comfortable with blending in and sticking with one of the many shades of beige when it comes to the exterior of our homes. Thankfully the beige train stops here, and we have noticed more and more homeowners taking that risk and seeing a big reward from it. According to Netscape Home and Living 42% of people in america  say that blue is their favorite color.  However, we rarely see any blue homes.  Below you can see a few ways blue can be executed correctly and how drastically your house can change.


If you have brick try using blue as an accent color to highlight those added details.


Those of you ready for more of a change, try more of a navy paint with white trim and even a red door makes this house pop!


However, a bright yellow door is also a great look! Statistics also tells us that worldwide the color purple comes in as our second favorite.  This may come as a surprise to some of you, but this color is no stranger in design.  Purple is a great accent color for interiors because it works in both masculine and feminine spaces.  So we are not surprised that in 2014 purple will make it's way curbside!


Using a great shade of purple with white trim really let's your landscape shine!


Mixing a lighter shade with the darker roof is another interesting look!

Purple House 6

If your not ready to make such a drastic commitment try just the doors and maybe a few accents.


By choosing a darker plum shade and mixing in the gold hardware you really see the mix between masculine and feminine and how stunning it is.

Remember curb appeal is a major factor when selling a home, it is the first impression your house makes on guests.  It is about time we show the exterior of our homes a little love too, it's been a long time coming.  Go out and make a change.  It's time we bring a little personality to our homes after all they are one of your biggest investments, take pride in them!


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