Paint Your Furniture! (No Matter The Surface)

A lot of people think they can transform the look of their dresser with just a layer of paint (which is typically a great idea), but be very careful! Sometimes, painting your furniture can do more harm than good because of the surface, the material, or the specific kind of paint. So, how do you know when it’s ok to paint and it’s not? Today, we’re going to use a dresser as an example to give a few helping hints for when you're painting your home furnishings.

Starting the Process


To begin, you’ll need to look at your dresser and ask yourself a few questions. How is the dresser structure? Do the drawers slide smoothly? Is it sturdy? How solid are the legs? We're pretty much saying, don't try to save a piece of furniture that isn't worth it. (A.Clore hint: If it's been in your family or an antique with sentimental value, we suggest not painting it unless you're trying to completely restore it.)

Will the value increase as a restored antique?  There are some dressers that are so old (80+ years) they would really be better off restored to their original finish, but it depends on your own personal taste. Even if you don’t like the natural wood look, restoring one dresser to its original finish might allow you to sell it for enough to buy yourself a new dresser. Just something to keep in mind!

The Surface


Consider the surface of the dresser. Is the dresser veneer, laminate or wood? For those who don't know, veneer is a decorative covering of fine wood layered on top of a coarser wood or another material, like press board or something similar. Laminate is a layer of plastic over press board or something similar, and then there's real wood, which is actually best for painting.

Prepare & Paint: Veneer


To prepare veneer, start by making sure there isn't any cracking or peeling. If there is, repair it with wood glue or another piece of veneer before painting. Clean the surface. (A.Clore hint: Wipe it down with dishwashing soap and warm water using a washcloth, but wring out the towel first. Make sure it doesn't soak the surface, because it can cause damage to the wood underneath.) Sand it lightly, clean off the dust particles, and then apply primer. Now you're ready to paint! Make sure you use at least two coats of whichever paint you choose to really make it last.

Prepare & Paint: Laminate


Laminate is surprisingly easy. Many people will tell you to sand laminate before painting, but that can actually ruin the laminate. All you need to do is apply two coats of primer and then paint. Quick, fast, and easy!

Prepare & Paint: Real Wood


If it's real wood, just clean the surface and go to work. (A.Clore hint: we always choose Sherwin-Williams.)

So, there you have it. These are the three most common materials, so if you come across one that stumps you, just let us know! Have fun creating beautiful "new" home furnishings!


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