How To Easily Create The Perfect Vignette

Who doesn't enjoy a wonderfully put together vignette? They can easily complete any empty or boring space in the home! They're an affordable way to bring charm, character, and life to any area. So we have a few simple tips and tricks to help you create your own gorgeous vignettes throughout your home’s interior.

Choosing the Space


For our first step, you’ll have to choose a space for your vignette to go in. End tables, night stands, entry tables, and mantels are great spaces for beginners. If you already have items occupying the space you’d like to use, you can chose which items you’d like to stay and which ones have to go. Remember that it’s good to experiment with items you already have, and whatever you don’t use can surely be placed somewhere else around the house.

The Color Palette


When picking out other items to add in, consider your color palette. You want to keep your color palette as simple as possible. A simple color palette will help you achieve a more cohesive end result. Use color hues from around the room to decide which colors to incorporate. For a whimsical effect, add a surprise pop of color in your vignette. Good items to include would be greenery, books, candles, vases, mirrors, picture frames, and fresh flowers. Once you have your items gathered, it is time to pick your anchor piece which will ground your vignette and set the tone for your focal point.

Accessorize and Layer


Once your anchor object is in place, you can begin to arrange the rest of your accessories. It is best to layer your items, and group in odd numbers so that the accessories aren’t lined up like soldiers. Each layer adds its own color and texture, and there are no rules as to how many layers you need. As you place your items, it is good to take a moment to step back and check it out. This will give you the opportunity to tweak items you like, and eliminate or replace those that you don’t.


Vignettes are not permanent fixtures in your home so don’t pressure yourself to make it absolutely perfect. Just focus on achieving your ultimate vignette style! Remember that this arrangement is temporary and should be changed up at least 2 or 3 times a year just to keep things interesting. So, don’t let your vignette get stale! Keep them fresh and don’t forget to have fun exploring your inner-designer!


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